Engineering, procurement, and construction
Revoltcreations Specializing in fully High-Integrated and comprehensive EPC Solutions. Our Installations are advance in technology & vendor independence with fault detection, which reduce the maintenance cost and decrease the down time. This increases production of the plant.
We have highly Skilled and Experienced EPC Team, which ensures the completion of each plant start from site feasibility study to OEM and takes corrective and preventive service for complete lifetime of the plant.
Offering Across The VALUE CHAIN
On Grid Rooftop Plant
Customized Solar Energy Solutions To Reduce extra Electricity Bill (10 KW at Chitnavispura bank, Nagpur)
RevoltCriations On Grid solution is an intelligent power solution that ensures power is available to customer through Solar as well as Grid. It caters to varying loads at different applications like residential, Hospital, Bank, Corporate offices, etc…
PV Solar Hybrid UPS
Highly Innovative Solution to increase productivity (5 KW at MountDilly, Kannur)
Hybrid solar systems combines the best from grid-tied and off-grid solar systems. These systems can either be described as off-grid solar with utility backup power, or grid-tied solar with extra battery storage…
Off Grid Rooftop Plant
Stand alone Solutions to cut down grid connectivity(8 KW at Petrol Pump , Vasai)
To ensure access to electricity at all times, off-grid solar systems require battery storage and a backup generator (if you live off-the-grid).
We Are Here To Serve You
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